“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another.
Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.”
(John 13:34)
At St. John’s Chapel United Church of Christ, we believe that all people are created in the image of God.
We declare ourselves to be an Open and Affirming faith community, advocating for the full inclusion of people of all ages, racial identities, cultures, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, economic circumstances, physical, cognitive, or emotional abilities, education, or spiritual and religious traditions.
We honor and celebrate the vast diversity of God’s creation. We actively work to be a faith community that promotes reconciliation, healing and full inclusion to all who desire to actively serve in the life, leadership, ministry and mission of the church.
We commit ourselves to the ongoing work of being an inclusive faith community,
believing that God is still speaking, and you belong here.
St. John’s Chapel, United Church of Christ
Open and Affirming Covenant

Sunday Worship
10:30 a.m.
4344 South Fremont, Springfield, MO 65804